Below are frequently asked questions regarding Camp 4 Star. If you have questions that are not answered below please submit them on the contact page or to camp4star@gmail.com .
Q: What is the cost to attend camp?
A: Early registration is $300.00 ($325 after 1/31/25) for one child. If sending siblings, the cost is $300.00 $(325 after 1/31/25) for the first camper and $275.00 ($300 after 1/31/2025) per additional camper(s) from the same family. Detailed information and registration forms can be found in the Registration section of the site.
Q: What is the cancellation and refund policy?
A: Cancellations are accepted through June 30th, 2025. Prior to June 1st, your deposit/full payment is refundable minus a $10.00 processing fee. After June 1st, the deposit amount of $95.00 is non-refundable.
Q: My child is a counselor this year. Do I get a discount for my other child who is a camper?
A: No. Counselors do not qualify as staff. If you would like to volunteer your time to camp as a staff member please contact camp at camp4star@gmail.com
Q: Can you prorate registration fees if my child arrives late leaves early?
A: No, we do not prorate registration fees for late arrivals or early dismissals.
Q: My child will be a camper this year and so will his cousin. Do we receive the discount for two or more campers from the same family?
A: No. The discount applies only to siblings in the immediate family.
Q: What are the dates of camp?
A: The 2025 camp session will be held Sunday, July 13th through Saturday, July 19th.
Q: What time can I drop off my child?
A: Camper drop off and registration will be from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Sunday, July 13th. Please see info below about parking if you arrive early.
Q: When do I pick up my child?
A: Camper pick up will be from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM on Saturday, July 19th. Please see info below about parking if you arrive early.
Q: What parking is available at Millersylvania if I show up before the gate is open to the ELC to drop off or pick up my child?
A: There is parking at the boat launch day use area. However, a Washington State Park representative may ask you to purchase a day use pass if you will be parking and waiting to get into the ELC before the gates are opened at 4:00pm on Sunday or 8:00am on Saturday. This is not a cost that Camp 4 Star will cover for those individuals arriving before the actual drop off or pick up times. Those who have a valid Discover Pass do not need the day use pass. If you have further questions regarding the parking at Millersylvania Park please visit the Washington State Discover Pass website at http://www.discoverpass.wa.gov or send an email to camp4star@gmail.com.
Q: When can I mail in my camper or counselor application?
A: Send in the applications as soon as possible, space can fill up fast and you don't want to miss your spot for a great week of summer fun with fellow Christians.
Q: Can I send in my application after the application deadline?
A: Yes, subject to availability. We do appreciate early applications as it helps our efforts in planning for the week of camp.
Q: Is there a sizing chart to help decide on t-shirt sizes?
A: Yes, you can find a sizing chart by clicking on the following link, T-shirt Sizing.
Q: How are payments processed online?
A: Using the application payment page on the site, add the full payment or deposit to the cart and you will be prompted to pay using PayPal. You can sign in to an existing account or create a new PayPal account.
If you pay the deposit up front you will receive a invoice via PayPal requesting the balance due approximately one month from the date of camp. If you have any other questions regarding payment, please contact us at camp4star@gmail.com